International Intellectual Property Alliance 2007 Special 301 Report Bulgaria
Във връзка със печалните у нас събития в последно време около p2p обмена на информация, се зачетох в специалния 301-ви доклад на IIPA за България. Публикувам част от него и по-точно увода:
During 2006, internet piracy in Bulgaria became an alarming issue, no longer a distant
second to the longstanding problem of physical (hard goods) piracy. In addition to Internet and
mobile piracy, the massive burning of copyrighted materials on CD- and DVD-Rs remains a key
element of a landscape still dominated by piracy. Indeed, these illegal discs are still easily available
in all major cities, and the influence of organized crime elements remains notorious. One of the main
reasons for continued high levels of piracy, however, are the prosecutors and the courts, who in
practice consistently fail to treat copyright offences as serious crimes. Unjustified delays permeate
the process, and the whole system lacks transparency. Only recently have senior Bulgarian
prosecutors shown a welcomed willingness to improve this situation. During 2006 the interagency
council on IPR met regularly and provided a platform for the private sector and the authorities to work
together and achieve progress in addressing Bulgaria’s various anti-piracy enforcement issues. The
Ministry of Culture has been increasingly active in supporting the copyright sector in its fight against
Докладът се разпростира върху 14 страници, които всячески доказват, че в България живеят повече пирати отколкото на Карибите. Разбира се, нещата не може да останат така и тук се намесва „The Cybercrime Unit of the GDCOC“. The Cybercrime Unit на GDCOC започва ефективно да се бори с организираната интернет престъпност и резултатите не закъсняват. Описани са даже някои от успехите:
Here are a few examples of Internet actions in 2006. In February 2006, the Cybercrime Unit
of the GDCOC conducted operations in the towns of Veliko Tarnovo, Gorna Oriahovica and
Liaskovec. These led to the discovery of the largest two servers in Northern Bulgaria that were
making protected material available for download to an unlimited number of users. The servers
contained five terabytes of pirate music, movies and software – content equal to 7,000 compact
discs. Charges were pressed against a 26-year old individual from Liaskovec.
Като се замисля, бил съм един път в Лясковец и там е хубаво. Обаче не съм знаел, че там се е подвизавал един от най-големите пиратски сървъри. Подвизите на „The Cybercrime unite“ не спират дотук:
In May 2006, officers of the Cybercrime Unit of the GDCOC and Sofia Investigation Services
arrested another two individuals – an administrator and a system operator of an illegal website. A
computer system with a 500 gigabyte hard drive, a router computer system, laptop, three hard discs
and over 200 recorded CD-Rs were seized from their homes, which had been turned into a control
center for the biggest illegal file exchange in Bulgaria.
Безумната рекламна кампания на Министерството на Културата отразена добре от Kaladan тук е спрегната като „The Ministry of Culture has been increasingly active in supporting the copyright sector in its fight against piracy.“
Изглежда не толкова обаче торрент тракерите са причината да попаднем отново в този списък, а по-скоро уличното пиратство:
Street piracy remains prevalent, particularly in the tourist resorts. One possibility of addressing this problem would be to introduce local regulations banning streets sales of copyrighted product.
Доколкото работя близо до пл. Славейков и минавам всеки ден оттам, не виждам да има развитие по „banning streets sales of copyrighted product“. За сметка на това доста от торрент тракерите отекоха.
Ако за някой ще е интересно може да хвърли едно оче на доклада. Всички обаче знаем как стоят нещата.